In the UK the government also confirmed that their networks receive about 20000 malicious e-mails each month.
Recently, the internet based systems are becoming more and more vulnerable. Britain elite electronic spying agency alerted that the country faces the threat of credible Cyber-Attack from any hostile group of criminals and states. According to the country’s head of spying agency, this kind of a Cyber-Attack could badly damage the infrastructure of the country.
The increased threat of cyber attacks and cyber terrorism has forced individuals, businesses and government organizations to rethink their security measures and procedures. The IMF will no doubt be reviewing their own security after what they described as a major cyber attack.
The major concern is that a successful cyber attack has the potential to seriously damage power, finance, security and government systems.
The statement by the director regarding Britain’s critical national Infrastructure implies to the facilities and services that are crucial for the daily lives. It means financial services, mass communication and transport and health sector.
For some individuals the recent cyber attack news has been so nerve raking that they have cancelled accounts on social networks, reset passwords wherever possible and delete any sensitive information stored online.